Please submit the following form to receive your Fee Estimate from ProBills Australia via email.

An estimate will be prepared for you based on the information you have provided and in accordance with our client’s instructions.

The primary components of an anaesthetic fee are the complexity of surgery and duration of anaesthetic care. There are additional factors that might also affect the fee, such as the patient’s age and health status as well as provision of ancillary services for the safest anaesthetic. Some of these factors will not be determined until the surgery and may not be included in this estimate. This will likely cause a variation to the fee listed. The fee will be larger if the surgery is longer in duration.

The Fee Estimate will contain the relevant Medicare item numbers for your anaesthetic as well as rebates based on the Medicare Schedule Fee and your approximate out of pocket cost. It will be important for you to contact your health fund to confirm that you have the appropriate level of cover and the rebates that will be available to you.

Please contact our office if you have not received an estimate to the email address you have provided within one business day.

Fee Estimate

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